How to cool fast a pallet of yogurt?

For production teams, optimizing the planning of the end of the yogurt production line is a central concern. So how can you reduce the cooling times of yogurt pallets?

Cooling will be more efficient if the air is forced to pass through the pallets in a short period of time, while optimizing energy consumption.

So for fast and efficient cooling of yogurt pallets, you need:

  • Force the air to pass through the pallet;
  • Prevent bypass around the pallet;
  • a system that adapts to the variation of the size of the pallets;
  • a system that easily adapts to the space available.

FROMFROID offers two rapid cooling solutions, the High efficiency fast cooling cells and High efficiency fast cooling tunnels. The world’s largest yogurt producers trust us.

High energy efficient fast cooling cells

FROMFROID cells can be used for small, medium or large productions.

FROMFROID cooling cells can cool a wide range of products with specific cooling times. This gives production teams great flexibility in production planning and management.

High efficient fast cooling cells are characterized by:

  • Variability in pallet heights;
  • By-directional ventilation;
  • High energy efficiency: 20 to 50% savings compared to other solutions;
  • Better homogeneity in final temperatures;
  • They can be installed on several levels for greater compactness.
  • A patented sealing system that eliminates all sources of air bypass around the pallet. This results in a reduction of the cooling time and homogeneity in the productions.

FROMFROID cooling cells allow perfect control of temperature profiles and thus improve organoleptic qualities.

High energy efficient fast cooling tunnels

The tunnels are used for the automation of medium and high speed production.

Problems generally observed in conventional tunnels are due to sealing problems: The air passes around the pallets but not through.

In order to solve this problem, the High efficient fast cooling tunnels FROMFROID are characterized by:

  • Variability in pallet heights;
  • Variability in the orientation of the pallets;
  • By-directional ventilation;
  • High production rate;
  • Possibility of total automation;
  • High energy efficiency: 20 to 50% savings compared to competing solutions;
  • Better homogeneity in final temperatures;
  • High compactness due to reduced cooling times;
  • Patented air tightness system which eliminates all sources of bypass around the pallet. This results in a reduction of the cooling time and a homogeneity in the productions.

FROMFROID cooling tunnels allow perfect control of temperature profiles and thus improves organoleptic qualities.

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